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What is Remarketing?

Remarketing, also known as retargeting, is a digital marketing tactic that enables brands to display advertising to users that had previously visited the brand’s site. Remarketing ads can substantially increase total website conversions by targeting relevant previous users.

98% of website visitors will leave your site without making a purchase. Remarketing preserves your opportunity to convert those people into customers by continuing to engage with them across the web and on social media using custom display ads. Advertisements are tailored to their preferences, showing products they are likely to be interested in, which boosts the opportunity for sales. Research indicates that remarketing ads lead to 70% higher conversion rates as compared to other advertising.

How does remarketing work?

All you need to do is place a JavaScript tag in the footer of your website. The rest happens automagically. This little piece of code will track people who visit your site by placing anonymous cookies in their browsers. That enables AdRoll to follow the crumbs and display remarketing ads to your visitors long after they leave your site. Since we work with the largest ad exchanges, like the Google Display Network (GDN), we can engage with your desired audience nearly anywhere that they spend time online.

Why does remarketing boost conversions?

Remarketing is a form of personalised advertising that helps to capture the attention of shoppers who have already expressed interest in your products. Marketing to warm leads by tempting them with their favourite items and new recommendations is an advertising experience that 25% of viewers actually enjoy! By staying in front of your audience across the web, your brand is always top-of-mind. Your ad also provides a convenient, one-click shopping experience whenever your visitor is ready to make a purchase.

What are the best practices for remarketing?

The most effective remarketing campaigns leverage the power of audience segmentation. Relevance is important to consumers, so group your visitors logically based on the type of ads and information you want them to see. For example, you can create one segment for people looking for winter coats and another for people shopping for handbags to improve product recommendations in your display ads.

Benefit-driven messaging and clear CTAs are also essential to healthy conversion rates. Ensure that your target consumer knows why they should choose your product and what action you want them to perform. Test language like “Click to get 20% off your first order” instead of “click here” to add an incentive to your CTA.

Always learn from your customers. Test ad variations by changing the colour of the CTA, text, button shape, or lifestyle vs. product images to determine what appeals to your audience. Use the results to guide the design of future ads so you can better-appeal to consumers and increase conversion rates.

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